Welcome to the place where dreams become possible
As you take a journey through the various options I have to enrich your design life take a minute to ask yourself this simple question:
“Am I making the most out of the photos I have taken over the years?”
For many years I have seen friends and acquaintances alike do nothing with the precious memories and photos they have that just sit in their phone, on a hard drive, cloud folder, or flash drive. It breaks my heart to know that each one of those moments that was worthy to be captured just sits unremembered.
I have dedicated my design life to bringing these memories out of the shadows and into the forefront of conversation and remembrance. I would love to help you bring a renewed life to the special times you captured. From making albums, books, announcements, and cards, to retouching prints to look their best in color, composition, and facial optimization, I have over 20+ years of experience to make you and your loved ones shine!
You will find what options I have in the “Offerings” tab and you can get to know me a little better as you explore. If you’re ready to jump into the journey of design reach out!! I’d love to bring your memories to life or help you in creating new ones.
Memories don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful!
Rachel Kay
**All designs to be supplied digitally to the client through an online storage portal for a period of two weeks for download.
**Any physically supplied products will be produced and shipped by the vendor selected by, Rachel Kay, to optimize output of the products. No remakes for errors after approval from client for production.
**All designs and original works are copyright of Rachel Kay and may not be sold or distributed without prior consent.